Special Trap Events

January 1, 2025

Special Trap Events!

The Trap Committee will offer some fun activities
in addition to the regular trap shoots.  
We will have regular trap on all of these days that follow.

January 12th – Bolt Action Day. Try shooting trap with an old bolt action shotgun. Dust off yours, or come to the shoot and borrow one.  

February 9th – Field gun day. Bring a gun you would carry in the field and see how you do with the clays!

March 2nd – .410 & 20 gauge Day, bring or borrow a .410 or a 20 gauge shotgun and really test your skills!

March 16th – Luck of the Irish Day – there will be green birds on the carousel, the last green bird broken will earn the shooter $17. The first green bird $1 for a beer or soda. This will cost $7 a round.

April 13th – Flush Day, try your hand at breaking a bird with a partner every 3 seconds. Trap single shot guns not recommended for this – bring a double, auto, or pump.

Mark These Day Off In Your Calendar for Extra Fun!
